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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ZWZ National Zone Expands

The Zero Waste Zones - National Zone welcomes two award-winning participants! Each participant is a pioneer in their respective industries with zero waste designation achieved in their operations.  By joining the ZWZ, these companies are committed to refining their existing recycling practices and serving as industry leaders sharing their lessons learned & successes.

Mayor Greg Ballard &
Scott Lutocka with award 
Midwest produce distributor Piazza Produce, with corporate headquarters in Indianapolis, was honored at the City of Indianapolis Sustainability Awards on March 27.  Piazza received the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle award for their impressive recycling program launched in 2005.

Facilities manager Scott Lutocka is the driver behind the successful program that transformed their waste & recycling cost center into a profit center, improving the bottom line by $30,000.  In a recent conversation, Scott commented that companies now bid for his plastic and at times he feels like a commodity broker.

It will be fun to work with on Scott on how Piazza's recycling practices may be refined, especially in the area of donating unsalable yet edible produce to shelters - challenges abound in the legal and logistical arenas.

Will & Jenni Harris with
2011 GRACE Award
In November, 2011 Will Harris and his daughter Jenni accepted the GRACE - Georgia Restaurant Association Crystal of Excellence Award - Innovator of the Year Award for the amazing transformation of the Harris family-owned White Oak Pastures.  The IMPACT Blog post, White Oak Pastures - Dignity & Respect @ Its Core, gives a powerful overview of WOP history and Will Harris' unwavering commitment to sustainable agriculture.

WOP is the only farm in the US with beef and poultry abattoirs on the property. Both abattoirs are zero waste and 40% of plant energy comes from on-site solar panels.  A future ZWA Blog post will give details of the WOP amazing practices.

With zero waste achieved in the abattoirs, WOP is ready to address their wholesale and consumer protein packaging.  Stay tuned as new Elemental Impact partners are ready to work with  WOP on sustainable packaging exploration, research and implementation.

With honor, ZWZ welcome heroes Piazza Produce and White Oak Pastures to the National Zone!

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