On January 18, 2025 Marina A. Olmos officially joined the Earth Impact (Ei) Advisory Council!
According to her bio, Marina is an architect with three masters in Lighting Design, in Building Installations with Energy Efficiency, and in Sustainable and Circular Construction. An important part of her career has taken place in Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, dedicated to both, architecture and education, as architect, project manager and lecturer. Marina resides in Murcia, Spain.Marina will serve as a valuable expert when Ei endeavors integrate within the built environment.
Regenerative Working Group
Immediately, Marina joined the Ei Regenerative Working Group (RWG) to contribute her insights and perspectives during the evolution within the recently launched Ei Era of Impact.
Ei Eras flow within seven-year cycles: Era of Recycling Refinement (2010 inception - June 2017,) Era of Regeneration (June 2017 - June 2024,) and Era of Impact (June 2024 - June 2031.)
The Era of Impact emerged as the Ei business model evolved away from projects, pilots, and initiatives and to Ei Educates.
Within the Ei Educates-business model, Ei embraces three focus areas/concepts: Collective Consciousness, Soil & Water: the foundation of life, and What We Eat Matters.
RWG's global-thought-leadership roots align perfectly with the Ei Educates business model and the new focus areas/concepts.
The RiA Magazine article, Era of Impact, welcomes the Era of Impact and gives a synopsis of the prior eras.
Once within the Era of Impact, the RWG Executive Team decided to cleanse membership of inactive members and embark on recruitment of diverse professionals eager to participate in global-thought leadership. The original RWG tagline remains exceptionally valid:
Global thought leaders supporting complete and equitable communities.
With her expertise in sustainable architecture, Marina provides a perspective on the built environment that complements the RWG members' impressive experience as scientists, urban planners, economists, and entrepreneurs.
The RiA Magazine article, Regenerative Working Group: growth and evolution, chronicles the RWG formation and history, growth over the years, and the current evolutionary stage.
Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Taskforce
In January 2024, fellow Ei Advisor Durga Poudel, Ph.D. published the acclaimed book, Asta-Ja for Prosperity, Pride, and National Integrity, as a compilation of his over-a-dozen articles and papers on the Asta-Ja Framework. At the October monthly Ei RWG meeting, Durga shared the Asta-Ja Framework featuring his book with his fellow Ei Advisors. By popular demand, the November RWG meeting topic was a Q&A with Durga.
In January 2024, fellow Ei Advisor Durga Poudel, Ph.D. published the acclaimed book, Asta-Ja for Prosperity, Pride, and National Integrity, as a compilation of his over-a-dozen articles and papers on the Asta-Ja Framework. At the October monthly Ei RWG meeting, Durga shared the Asta-Ja Framework featuring his book with his fellow Ei Advisors. By popular demand, the November RWG meeting topic was a Q&A with Durga.
The Asta-Ja Nepal Vision 2040 aims to elevate Nepal at the par of a developed nation by 2040 utilizing the Asta-Ja Framework. The Vision showcases how the Asta-Ja Resources transform the abundant challenges into an empowering reality.
As a welcome to 2025, Ei established the Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Taskforce to serve as a bridge from academic papers and philosophies into full and complete implementation of Asta-Ja: Nepal Vision 2040. The taskforce will serve as a guiding force within the Era of the Implementation of the Asta-Ja Framework.
The December 2024 RiA Magazine article, Asta-Ja: Nepal Vision 2040, published with an overview of the Asta-Ja Framework and a commitment to launch the Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Taskforce in early 2025.
Marina is a founding member of the Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Taskforce executive team.
LAI Global Water-Land Series Group
As the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Global Water-Land Series Group (Group) Co-Chair, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore invited Marina to join the Group.
As the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Global Water-Land Series Group (Group) Co-Chair, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore invited Marina to join the Group.
Marina is the lead for the May/June 2025 global webinar, Devasting Impacts of Increased Global Flooding. Still in the planning stages, the probable topics are:
- River flooding – Valencia, Spain floods last fall
- Coastal flooding – US Eastern Coast (NY, Boston, Baltimore as potential locations)
- Glacial lake flooding – ancient Himalayan villages located along glacial lakes are flooding due to the increased glacial melt. During his two-week Nepal visit in March, Durga will secure an appropriate Nepali expert.
With her long-term commitment to LAI - five-years on the LAI Global Executive Committee, LAI Atlanta Chapter Board member, and the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter Founding President, Holly serves as Marina's LAI mentor. Marina serves on the LAI Madrid Chapter Board as Secretary.
LAI is the honorary global network for thought leaders in all fields related to the preservation and sustainable development of land.
Ei is honored to welcome Marina A. Olmos to the Advisory Council and work with her on a variety of endeavors.
Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work.
About Earth Impact:
Earth Impact (formerly Elemental Impact) (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration (June 2017 - June 2024). Focus areas included Nature Prevails, Soil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.
The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area. What We Eat Matters is an emerging platform that intertwines within the three focus areas.
As Ei enters the Era of Impact (June 2024 – present,) gears shift to a new business model, Ei Educates. Though education was always integral to Ei’s important work, the primary focus was on projects, pilots, and initiatives supported by Ei Partners. The Regeneration Era focus areas carry over into the Era of Impact.
The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot. The Ei Pilots serve as an educational program.
To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.
Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.
The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:
Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

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