In late 2023, Elemental Impact emerged from a three-year-chrysalis stage and stepped into a complete, astounding transformation during 2024. By yearend new directions for Elemental Impact's continued important work were documented.
Introducing Earth Impact
On July 11, 2024, Elemental Impact Founder & CEO Holly Elmore signed the trademark-transfer documents and released the use of Elemental Impact to an independent third party. Signing the documents was Holly's final act as Elemental Impact Founder & CEO.
The Ei legal entity remains the same, with an amendment with the Georgia Secretary of State for the name change to Earth Impact. Thank you to Ei General Counsel Greg Chafee, partner with Thompson Hine, for your unwavering guidance and support through the trademark-transfer negotiations and legalities.
The Ei site was overhauled with new navigation, updated pages, and additional pages. As it documents Ei's important work since the 2010 inception, the Ei site is cumbersome with nearly 100 pages and over 300 downloadable documents. Thank you to Jonathan Beacher of Atlanta Website Design for your commitment and dedication to relaunching the Ei site.
The RiA article, Introducing Earth Impact!, gives additional details on the trademark transfer and new professional adventures.
Era of Impact
With perfect timing, the Elemental Impact-trademark transfer marked the end of the Era of Regeneration and the entry into the Era of Impact!
Ei Eras flow within seven-year cycles: Era of Recycling Refinement (2010 inception - June 2017,) Era of Regeneration (June 2017 - June 2024,) and Era of Impact (June 2024 - June 2031.)
Thus, the Era of Impact emerged as the Ei business model evolved away from projects, pilots, and initiatives and to Ei Educates.
Incorporated within the Ei Educates-business model, Ei embraces three focus areas/concepts: Collective Consciousness, Soil & Water: the foundation of life, and What We Eat Matters.
The RiA Magazine article, Era of Impact, welcomes the Era of Impact and gives a synopsis of the prior eras.
Ei Educates
Though education was always integral to Ei's important work over the years, Ei's primary focus was on projects, pilots, and initiatives supported by Ei Partners. As Ei prepared to enter the Era of Impact, gears shift to a new business model and platform, Ei Educates.
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Holly educates at the 2018WorldChefs Congress photo courtesy of World Chefs Association |
The inaugural Ei Educates session debuted at the 2018 U.S. Composting Council hosted in Atlanta, Georgia via the Ei-hosted panel Compost’s Empowering Role in Sustainable Soils; Holly moderated the session and panelists included Ei Advisors and Strategic Allies.
In addition to speaking engagements, webinars, tours and other events, RiA articles are integral to Ei Educates. In the prior Eras, the RiA articles were generally documentary in nature and chronicled Ei's important work. With the advent of Ei Educates, many articles are introductory in nature for emerging concepts or showcase synergies of seemingly disparate issues, events, and/or activities.
The RiA article, Ei Educates, shares the evolution of the Ei business model and announces the Ei Educates platform.
Ei Tours Resume
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Ei Tour Group at the 4Roots Greenhouse Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Image |
With the onset of the global pandemic in 2020, Ei tours ceased along with other in-person activities. Ei's 2021 move to Sarasota, Florida further delayed scheduling tours.
The RiA Magazine article, Ei Tours Resume with 4Roots Campus Tour, articulates the importance of tours, gives an overview of 4Roots, and chronicles the tour; the Holly Elmore Images (HEI)-photo gallery, 05-17-24 4Roots Farm Campus Tour, provides a pictorial recount of the 4Roots tour.
Upon discovering that they lived a mere hour apart in Florida, Table2Farms (T2F) Visionary & Founder Bridgette Luther and Holly reunited and rekindled their close bond. Bridgett and Holly originally met at the 2015 National Zero Waste Business Conference hosted in Los Angeles.
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Holly & Bridgett at the USCC Conference |
Holly, Bridgett, and fellow T2F Principal Tom Wright attended the 2024 U.S. Composting (USCC) Conference hosted in Daytona Beach in February. Though she officially represented T2F at the conference, Holly retained her Ei hat and enjoyed reconnecting with her plethora of industry friends and meeting new colleagues.
The RiA article, Life Spirals: lifetime friends, new professional horizons, gives a conference overview as well the intertwining history of Holly and several longtime-industry colleagues.
Ei Magazines
On December 29, 2024 the RiA Magazine topped 690,000 views.
On December 25, 2024 the IMPACT Magazine topped 250,000 views.
The 690,000-views and 250,000-views milestones for niche magazines are monumental achievements, substantiating the published article collection as a prominent industry resource and respected journalism. Though at different velocities, the magazines surpass milestones in tandem.
During her move and subsequent transition to life in Sarasota, Holly ceased writing regular magazine articles and publishing Ei Newsletters; a significant portion of Holly's time was devoted to caregiving for her elderly Mother and establishing the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots. Holly viewed the timeframe as a chrysalis stage preparing for a major life metamorphosis.In 2023, Holly emerged from her chrysalis and embarked on publishing articles and newsletters.
With the reignited publishing, the Ei readership escalated to unprecedented levels! Prior to the metamorphosis, the Ei newsletters consistently experienced a respectable 23 - 25%-open rate. The Spring 2023 Ei Newsletter set a new threshold with a 45%-open rate; subsequent newsletters receive a consistent 45 - 50%-open rate, double the pre-metamorphosis rate.
The Fall 2024 Ei Newsletter received a 58% open rate; it was the first newsletter sent from Holly's address.
Additionally, the RiA readership experienced an explosion in readership. Through the years, monthly views generally averaged 100 per day or 3,000 per month, with blips from newsletters and when partners promoted articles. Post-metamorphosis, monthly views range from 5,000 to 10,000. With 100,000 views from June 2023 to June 2024, the average monthly views were 8,300.
The RiA Magazine article, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates the milestone achievement and gives an overview of readership statistics.
Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots
When she returned to her hometown, Sarasota, Florida, after residing in Atlanta for four decades, Holly dedicated her spacious approximately 8,500-square-foot yard to two rewilding pilots: Native Plant Landscape and Permaculture-Oriented Landscape.
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Backyard food forest Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Image |
On January 7, 2024 the FB group 941 Natural Gardeners hosted an Ei Pilots tour focused on the backyard food forest and the vegetable, herb and edible-flower garden. Nearly 30 intrigued local residents attended the Sunday morning tour.
In 2024, the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots survived a hurricane trifecta; though completely disheveled, the Pilots sustained minimal long-term damage. The RiA article, Hurricane Trilogy, offers additional details on the hurricanes, discusses the Old Florida charm that was lost or survived, and gives a synopsis of how the Pilots fared through the storms.
The RiA article, Ei Rewilding Urban Landscape Pilots, substantiates the importance of rewilding landscapes, details simple individual action, and introduces the Ei Pilots; the HEI Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes album documents the pilots' progress in a series of photo galleries.
What We Eat Matters
The act of eating, a task in which the entire Animal Kingdom engages, integrates within and influences the complete spectrum of earthly phenomena. From an individual perspective, what we eat directly impacts the physical vessel's immediate and long-term health. From a macro perspective, what we eat drives economic markets, commercial agriculture-crop choices and practices, societal justices and injustices, species extinction, and a myriad of other subtle and overt scenarios.
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A tasty meal that aligns with WWEM principles Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Image |
- Personal Health - Nutrition, Physical, Mental & Emotional Health, and Tasty Food.
- World Water Pollution & Depletion - Chemical Farming, Time-Released Fertilizers and Pesticides, and Water-Intensive Food
- Diversity Reduction - Insect Apocalypse & the Holocene Extinction
The RiA Magazine article, What We Eat Matters, introduces the new Ei focus area that integrated within the Era of Impact launch.
WWEM is integral to the Era of Impact launch.
Collective Consciousness
In 2012, Ei introduced the WE Consciousness as a higher octave of the then tagline Sustainability in ACTION. When the "I" is replaced with "WE," the impact of our actions extends to the entire community and beyond; collective action accomplishes more profound results than singular effort. By working together, synergies are unlocked, unnecessary boundaries, including competitive barriers, disintegrate, and creative energies catapult possibilities into grounded realities.
The RiA article, Collective Consciousness: a movement, a solution, introduces collective consciousness with a brief history and substantiates how it is integral to Ei's important work via three examples: 1>Zero Waste is a Team Sport, 2> the Sustainable Food & Beverage Packaging Value Chain Meetings (2011 -2014,) and 3> the Nature Prevails platform.
Additionally, Crew Consciousness is showcased within Ei Advisor and Ringling School of Art & Design Professor of Environmental Studies Tim Rumage's This Spaceship Earth.
In addition to integration within the Era of Impact launch, Collective Conscious is central to the success of the Asta-Ja: Nepal Vision 2040.
Welcome Durga Poudel, Ph.D. to the Ei Advisory Council
On October 18, 2024 renowned Professor Durga Poudel, Ph.D. officially joined the Ei Advisory Council!
According to his official bio, Durga is the Professor and Coordinator of Environmental Science Program, Director of Ag. Auxiliary Units, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
Durga's research focuses on water quality and nonpoint source pollution control, water quality modeling, climate change adaptation, soil erosion, soil development and productivity, sustainable agriculture, organic farming, roadside vegetation and highway enhancement, waste water recycling, and farming systems. At the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Durga teaches several soil-science and water-quality courses.
Durga will serve as an invaluable Ei Advisor within the Nature Prevails, Soil Health, and Water Use | Toxicity Ei platforms.
Asta-Ja Framework
In January 2024, Durga published the acclaimed book, Asta-Ja for Prosperity, Pride, and National Integrity, as a compilation of his over-a-dozen articles and papers on the Asta-Ja Framework. At the October monthly Ei Regenerative Working Group (RWG,) Durga shared the Asta-Ja Framework with his fellow Ei Advisors. By popular demand, the November RWG meeting topic was a Q&A with Durga. At the December meeting, the RWG committed to supporting Asta-Ja via the 2025 Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Taskforce.
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Charles & Durga |
The RiA article, Asta-Ja: Nepal Vision 2040. celebrates Durga's LAI-member induction, gives an overview of his impressive presentation, and introduces Nepal Vision 2040.
For additional and in-depth information on development of the Asta-Ja Framework, view Durga's November 15 A Journey to Ecological and Environmental Sustainability recorded presentation; Durga's PPT presentation is available at this LINK.
When she returned to her hometown Sarasota, FL in 2021, then a LAI Executive Committee-member and former LAI Atlanta Chapter Board member, Holly immediately began nominating local environmental leadership as LAI At-Large members. A prestigious group of LAI At-Large members formed. In late 2023, Holly focused on chartering the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter with strong LAI Global support.
LAI is the honorary global network for thought leaders in all fields related to the preservation and sustainable development of land.
LAI Global Water-Land Series Group
In early 2024, Holly joined Jim Musbach, LAI Golden Gate Chapter member, as Co-Chair for the LAI Global Water-Land Series Group, a subcommittee of the Global Initiatives Committee. Ei Advisors Steve Suau, Tim Rumage, and Brad Bass joined the Group. Later, Durga joined the Group.
The RiA Magazine article, Introduction to Water and Land Economics, gives an in-depth summary of the impressive webinar. To view the recorded Introduction to Water and Land Economics webinar, click HERE.
Durga is the lead speaker on a 2025 LAI Global webinar Agriculture, Water, Land Nexus: Unlocking the Intricacy that features the Mississippi River Basin.
LAI FL Suncoast Chapter
At the LAI Annual Gathering in Phoenix, LAI Global President Kathy King announced the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter charter at the Awards Dinner on October 16, 2024. FL Suncoast Chapter Board Member Jay Brady accepted the chapter charter; in his remarks, Jay emphasized the local and global teamwork that culminated in chartering a chapter.
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Jay with LAI Global Leadership at the Phoenix Gathering Photo courtesy of LAI |
Holly serves as the founding chapter president; the president succession plan is secure through 2030.
As of year end, the FL Suncoast Chapter achieved their goal of 30-active members.
The IMPACT article, Announcing LAI FL Suncoast Chapter, details the chapter's history while under development, the keys to success, and commitment to creating value for members and the community.
An Astounding Year
With dried wings from three years within the chrysalis stage, Earth Impact is soaring within the energy of an astounding year and ready to fully embrace the Era of Impact.
Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work.
For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 |
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