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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Introducing Earth Impact

On July 11, 2024, Elemental Impact Founder & CEO Holly Elmore signed the trademark-transfer documents and released the use of Elemental Impact to an independent third party. Signing the documents was Holly's final act as Elemental Impact Founder & CEO.

Immediately upon execution of the trademark-transfer documents, Ei stepped into an evolved persona, Earth Impact!

Earth Impact 
With the documents executed, Holly began the arduous task of segueing Elemental Impact into Earth Impact (Ei.) After securing, Holly and the Ei webmaster embarked on overhauling the website content and transferring the site to a new server. One month later, the Ei website is ready to introduce Earth Impact as Ei's evolved persona!

The Ei social media accounts are changed to Earth Impact, and Holly's new email address is

With the tedious work nearly complete, it is time to embrace a new Ei Era!

Era of Impact
With perfect timing, the Elemental Impact trademark transfer marked the end of the Era of Regeneration and the entry into the Era of Impact

Ei Eras flow within seven-year cycles: Era of Recycling Refinement (2010 inception - June 2017,) Era of Regeneration (June 2017 - June 2024,) and Era of Impact (June 2024 - June 2031.)

When Ei entered the Era of Regeneration, the Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity Focus Areas were launched and will continue into the Era of Impact.

Within the Era of Impact, Ei embraces a renewed business model Ei Educates.

Ei Educates
Though education was always integral to Ei's important work, Ei's primary focus was on projects, pilots, and initiatives supported by Ei Partners. As Ei prepares to enter the Era of Impact, gears shift to a new business model and platform, Ei Educates.

The RiA Magazine article, Ei Educates, chronicles the Eras of Recycling Refinement and Regeneration and introduces Ei Educates as the evolved business model.

Within the Ei Educates platform, Ei utilizes its extensive professional network as well as Holly's experience to educate on pertinent environmental and social equity topics. With their in-depth industry expertise and connections, Ei Advisors are essential to the success of Ei Educates.

Ei Advisor Kathy Kellogg
Johnson at the podium

photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
The inaugural Ei Educates session debuted at the 2018 U.S. Composting Council Conference hosted in Atlanta, Georgia via the Ei-hosted panel Compost’s Empowering Role in Sustainable Soils; Holly moderated the session and panelists included Ei Advisors and Strategic Allies. It was the most popular break-out session at the conference with every seat filled in the large room. The RiA Magazine article, GAME WON: 2018 compost conference a record-breaking success, showcases the Ei-hosted panel.

Post-COVID pandemic in 2023, Ei Educates webinars and speaking engagements segued into common ground. 

In addition to the plethora of Ei-Hosted Conference/Webinar Panels, Ei hosts educational sessions via tours of the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots (Rewilding Pilots) located in Holly's front and backyards. To date, two successful Rewilding Pilot tours were hosted with near-capacity attendance.

At three-years old, the Rewilding Pilots are ready to serve as an Ei educational platform via tours, workshops, and events. Once the weather cools in the fall, a Building Healthy Soils 101 workshop is slated for local residents. When funding is raised, a large deck with ample seating under the front-yard oak trees will host events.

In February 2024, Holly accepted the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) invitation to serve as the Global Water-Land Series Group Co-Chair. 

On June 13, 2024, the Group hosted the Introduction to Water and Land Economics Global Webinar; introductory in nature, the webinar was designed as a foundation for a plethora of future webinars on more specific topics. As the Co-Chair, Holly orchestrated the superb webinar and invited two Ei Advisors to serve as webinar panelists. The RiA Magazine article, Introduction to Water and Land Economics, gives an in-depth summary of the impressive webinar. To view the recorded Introduction to Water and Land Economics webinar, click HERE.

In addition to speaking engagements, webinars, tours and other events, RiA articles are integral to Ei Educates. In the prior Eras, the RiA articles were generally documentary in nature and chronicled Ei's important work. With the advent of Ei Educates, many articles are introductory in nature for emerging concepts or showcase synergies of seemingly disparate issues, events, and/or activities.

The November 2023 RiA article, Collective Consciousness: a movement, a solution, introduces collective consciousness with a brief history and substantiates how it is integral to Ei's successes. 

In the January 2024 RiA Magazine article, What We Eat Matters (WWEM,) Ei's accomplishments over the past seven years are organized into three main WWEM categories:

  • Personal Health - Nutrition, Physical, Mental & Emotional Health, and Tasty Food.
  • World Water Pollution & Depletion - Chemical Farming, Time-Released Fertilizers and Pesticides, and Water-Intensive Food.
  • Diversity Reduction - Insect Apocalypse & the Holocene Extinction.
The WWEM article outlines a roadmap for future articles and Ei Educates activities.

Ei received a $100,000 anonymous  to expand the Ei Educates platform.

The tedious, yet smooth transition from Elemental Impact to Earth Impact was possible due to the unwavering support and expertise of Ei In-Kind Partners:

  • Thompson Hine - Ei General Counsel & Thompson Hine Partner, Greg Chafee ensured the trademark-transfer documents accurately reflected the negotiated parameters in a professional manner, filed the Earth Impact name-change amendment with the Georgia Secretary of State, and shared his sage advice with Holly throughout the negotiations.
  • HLB Gross Collins - Ei Treasurer & HLB Gross Collins Shareholder Pauline Reynolds advised Holly on the tax implications of the trademark transfer and gave guidance on the name change with the IRS.
  • Thompson Creative - Lee Thompson, Thompson Creative Owner, updated the Ei logo expeditiously as she embarked on European travels.
  • Atlanta Web Design - Ei Webmaster and Atlanta Web Design Owner, Jonathan Beacher dedicated the extraordinary amount of time necessary to address the multiple challenges inherent within the Earth Impact-website launch.

New Adventures
With a solid foundation built via Elemental Impact's tremendous and varied successes over nearly fifteen years of environmental accomplishments, Earth Impact has a clean slate to embark on exciting, impactful work. Earth Impact's future is exceptionally BRIGHT!!!


About Earth Impact:
Earth Impact (formerly Elemental Impact) (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration (June 2017 - June 2024). Focus areas included Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area. What We Eat Matters is an emerging platform that intertwines within the three focus areas.

As Ei enters the Era of Impact (June 2024 – present,) gears shift to a new business model, Ei Educates. Though education was always integral to Ei’s important work, the  primary focus was on projects, pilots, and initiatives supported by Ei Partners. The Regeneration Era focus areas carry over into the Era of Impact.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot. The Ei Pilots serve as an educational program.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 | 

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